Five ideas to try to keep yourself accountable to Pilates
Want to know why it’s so hard to motivate yourself to exercise?
We are programmed to deny exerting extra energy at all costs, which makes motivation for working out HARD. It’s only natural for us to deny exercise and there are times when we truly do need rest more than exercise. But what about the other times?
Because really, there are times I DON'T WANT TO, but then I do, and I feel so glad that I did.
I share this because the unique thing here at QB is we are not alone. We are all like-minded individuals who are BUSY, we work hard, but we also value our health and wellness.
My strategies for keeping myself consistent may differ from yours, but I thought I would offer you some ideas.
Five ideas to try to keep yourself accountable to Pilates
Consider the number of times per week you want to exercise. Assign days to the workouts, and make a pact that if your world turns upside down, you will do as much as you can for as long as you can.
Book a private session or live class. Locked and loaded, it's a date!
When you feel the pull to skip, remember how you feel after your workout, and then consider how you will feel if you don't. It's not a guilt trip. Sometimes we DO need to rest. Listen to your intuition.
Follow the workouts on QB On-Demand in chronological order. Currently, we are committed to up-loading 2-3 workouts per week. Try to stay up caught up!
What is your why? What are your goals? Keep these front of mind.
In closing, remember we will all go through seasons with exercise. Sometimes we are consistent, doing good, feeling all the good vibes and then life will throw us a curveball, and we will have to lean into other priorities. Remember it’s okay, and eventually, you will get back on the wagon. Never forget your joy and passion for movement, even when it’s not a time in your life where you are experiencing those things regularly.
Kala from QB