Overcome your limiting beliefs and achieve your goals, really!

Hey, how's September going for you? September has this feeling of routine, prioritizing health and wellness, organization and structure. Since we celebrated the end of summer and the start of fall on Wednesday, I think it's time we check in and take stock of the goals we have made.

If you feel as if you are slow on the get-go towards your goals, you are not alone. We are dealing with continued uncertain times, and we must be flexible, fluid and present. However, these mental gymnastics can take a toll on our physical bodies.

A common theme across the board is that since the pandemic, we are all paying attention to our health and wellness and even if we don't prioritize it more, we wish we would. What stands in our way? Time? Motivation? Sure. But there's something else that could be lurking around the corner, and that something is limiting beliefs.

Are your limiting beliefs stopping you from achieving your goals and desires?


A limiting belief is a thought or opinion one believes to be true. A limiting belief can often have a negative impact on achieving your goals and desires.

Personally, my limiting beliefs often stand in my way if I am not mindful. Pilates is one strategy that helps me overcome the limiting beliefs that I have towards my physical body and my expectations towards it. It's a constant work in progress, but it's one reason I am so passionate about sharing Pilates with people like you. Pilates causes a ripple effect into your daily life: quiet your mind, connect with your body and act with more grace and composure in your life. 

If you haven't taken steps towards the goals/desires you set this September, it's not too late. Let's take a moment and put pen to paper to ask why? 

Let's dive in:

  1. What are your current goals/desires?

  2. Without judgment, are you satisfied with your progress towards those goals?

  3. If no, again, no judgment on yourself, what are the first reasons that pop into your mind as to why you haven't achieved those goals or taken steps towards them? Write them down.

  4. Review what you wrote and ask, are these reasons absolutely true? Can these problems have solutions, no matter how big or small?

Sometimes, after investigating, you might learn your beliefs weren't true at all. For example, when I took QB virtual, I didn't share music for the first five months because I believed no one wanted my playlists. Once I figured out a strategy to share optional music, I soon learnt lots of people love and appreciate the tunes. I was holding myself back all along around something that wasn't true! 

The takeaway here is our insecurities can get us so wrapped up in our heads that we hold ourselves back for no reason at all. 

There is so much power in how you talk to yourself and what you believe. You CAN change your mind, and therefore you can also change your habits and behaviours. Maybe it won't be easy at first, but once you get in the swing of things, you can start to notice how many areas in your life have the potential for growth by switching your thinking and brainstorming for solutions to your problems. 

Before you go, did accountability or motivating yourself show up as an obstacle? Accountability and motivation are the most common struggles I hear from people before they get started with me. It is in our human nature to preserve energy. Therefore it is only natural to avoid exerting energy aka exercising. However, this is why I consciously curate classes that leave you feeling good, which serves as an incentive to unroll your mat next time. 

But if you need something a little extra, starting October 4th, please join us for the Accountability Challenge at Quiet Bodies. This challenge will teach you strategies to hold yourself accountable to your body and your practice. 

You can expect a road map of Pilates workouts that you CAN succeed at, you CAN fit into your busy schedule, including days to rest and opportunities to get outside for walks or sports. 

I will map out suggested workouts of varied intensity all month long, special events, giveaways, live classes, tarot, doses of support, and so much more. I am so excited, and I hope you'll join us. 

Stay tuned and hope to see you soon.


Kala from QB


Five ideas to try to keep yourself accountable to Pilates


No Pain, No Gain…or not?